Jabree helps shape the City of Gold Coast’s water future

Jabree has been invited by the City of Gold Coast to provide input to the development of the Gold Coast Water Strategy, which is due for completion later this year.  

The Gold Coast Water Strategy will be a joint commitment between the City of Gold Coast and the Gold Coast community to transition the Gold Coast a water sensitive city over the next 50 years through the sustainable management of the City’s water resources and water environments.  

The Water Strategy is the blueprint for how this change will occur and the key actions and partnerships required for ensuring a sustainable water future for the Gold Coast. 

A water sensitive city is one that is:

  1. Liveable – it meets the drinking water, public health, environmental health, thermal comfort and aesthetic needs of the Gold Coast
  2. Resilient – it can maintain services under a wide range of conditions including shocks through recovery and adaptation
  3. Sustainable – it supports the social, economic, and ecological environment and meets people’s water related needs such as clean water and healthy waterways
  4. Productive – it generates economic value from water related actions.
Currumbin Rock Pools, Jabree 2017

The City of Gold Coast has been seeking Gold Coast traditional owner community representatives to contribute ideas for shaping our city’s water sensitive future.  In particular to communicate traditional owners’ close connection to the land and water environments and the important role traditional owners have in caring for country (past, present and future).

Importantly, the City is also seeking input into the desired future role of traditional owners in contributing  to the Gold Coast’s transition to a water sensitive city over the next 20-50 years.

Anyone from the traditional owner community can forward their ideas about the water strategy to Jabree and we will include this in advice being provided to the strategy team. 

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