Significant Cultural Heritage material at Albert River

In 2018 Jabree was engaged by Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance to perform an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment for a pipeline being constructed in Bahrs Scrub. This is the second stage of the subsurface assessment, with the first being focused along Windaroo Creek while this one investigated along Albert River and was undertaken in 2019.

Over the course of the investigation along Albert river a total of 75 stone artefacts were produced, with only two of these being cores and the remainder consisting of flakes and flake fragments. Almost all of these were found within the last tested landform which had an artefact density of 5.4 per square metre. In comparison, both the other tested landforms had less than one artefact found per square metre of tested soil.

The site has been classified as an artefact scatter but given the location and high artefact density of one of the tested areas it is possible that either it or the nearby rise may have been used for camping. The site at Albert river has been assessed as having high cultural heritage significance and moderate scientific significance.

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003(Qld) places all persons in Queensland under a duty of care to take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure they do not harm Aboriginal cultural heritage whenever they undertake an activity. Jabree has concluded that no further cultural assessment if required and has implemented the following recommendations:

  • Ensuring Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance and its contractors are aware of their duty of care obligations under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003(Qld).
  • Implementation and compliance with theĀ  Cultural Heritage Management Agreement including;
  • The Chance Finds Protocol in the case that any cultural heritage objects are exposed during the project

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